Property Management
The Bantry Holdings property management objective is to design and implement a professional plan that transitions the management of a project and establishes an ongoing, effective program. There are two critical phases in developing this strategy.
The first phase, the introductory phase, represents the transition of a project from the existing property manager to Bantry’s management team. The management transition will naturally be conducted in a positive, orderly manner to ensure a comfort level between ownership, management and tenants.
The second phase is implementation of the ongoing management program for the project. In order to be successful, it must combine the goals of accomplishing maximum operating efficiencies at the project level as well as achieving both tenant and ownership satisfaction. This satisfaction is measured through constant ownership communication and ongoing tenant relations.
The Bantry management team possesses the knowledge, experience and skills necessary to bring a project from the introductory phase to the ongoing day-to-day management. Upon award of a management assignment, Bantry will commence with the following introductory strategy for the property:
Management Introductory Strategy
- Seamless
- Financial,
technical, and service area focus
- Implement
policies and procedures
- Formulate
business plan
and budget
The first two months of the assignment are considered the Introductory Period, and the activities conducted during this time by management are instrumental in building the foundation for a solidly performing asset. We direct the property transition with several distinct goals, each involving the close consultation of ownership:
• Management tasks should be assumed effectively and methodically so ownership and tenants are assured of a “seamless” transition with no disruption of service or information;
• Audit project operations with emphasis on financial, technical, and service areas;
• Revise existing programs to achieve maximum project value and introduce Bantry’s policies and procedures;
• Following ownership’s direction, formulate short-term and long-term business plans for the project with clear and concise goals outlined
- Establish ownership objectives
- Conduct thorough asset review
- Include any
- Develop
Business Plan
The management program and business plan should reflect a complete awareness of the owner’s objectives for the building and the timeline for achievement. With these objectives, Bantry will maximize the value of the building – utilizing its advantages and downplaying its disadvantages.
Ongoing Management Program
As previously stated, the introductory phase is critical to building a strong management foundation. This foundation plays a vital role in the maximization of asset value and ultimate success of the project. However, no foundation can remain strong unless management follows an ongoing program that is proactive, committed, and consistent with the goals of the owner.
Manage Building Functions and Expenses
- Manage
functions and expenses
- Provide
superior managerial
technological support
- Retain
strengthen customer
Bantry’s building management services are geared toward the maximization of asset value. As a result of our relationships with a significant number of owners of commercial real estate, we are capable of sophisticated and creative solutions in building operations and financial services.
Provide Superior Managerial and Technological Support
It is critical that a management company is committed to providing its management teams with high-quality managerial and technological support systems. The corporate office provides support and expertise to those in the field in every essential area of property management, including building operations, financial matters, and the technological aspects of managing a project.
Retain and Strengthen Customer Service
Tenant retention is guided by satisfaction with location, image and building services, including the timely and constructive response to service requests. Success of a project is reliant on a concerted program of tenant relations. Periodic surveying of tenant satisfaction and routine analysis and reporting of tenant complaints and requests are vital in gauging tenant satisfaction. Enhanced service to tenants results in retention of clients and customers.